Brigham and Women’s Hospital Nursing Department: Report of Staff ConcernN.B. This form does not replace the official Incident Report.Name Report Completed (Date) MM slash DD slash YYYY Report Completed (Time) : Hours Minutes AMPM AM/PMUnitShiftPlease check the category of concern that applies: Equipment Safety Staffing OtherOther Category of ConcernStaffing Category of ConcernIf your concern is related to staffing, please choose: Floating to another unit without proper orientation Involuntary overtime Inadequate staff for patient acuity Inadequate staffing for patient censusBrief Statement of ConcernStaffing Count at time of ConcernRNRegularPer DiemFloat Pool/OtherNeeded Staff to Provide Patient CareCore Staffing as Set by AdministrationLPNRegularPer DiemFloat Pool/OtherNeeded Staff to Provide Patient CareCore Staffing as Set by AdministrationAncillaryRegularPer DiemFloat Pool/OtherNeeded Staff to Provide Patient CareCore Staffing as Set by AdministrationUnit CoordinatorRegularPer DiemFloat Pool/OtherNeeded Staff to Provide Patient CareCore Staffing as Set by Administration Census and Acuity at time of ConcernPatient census at time of concern:Unit capacity:Acuityamt. of nursing care required High Average LowNurse Director / Supervisor NotifiedPlease add names of those notified, the times notified, and the responses here.Email*Please Note: a copy of this form will be emailed to this address for your records (you may not want to use your work email). CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.