Framingham Union Hospital Nurses Unite!




Date: Wednesday, January 10
Times: Between 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 am; 1:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m.; and 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.
Location: Perini Auditorium, Framingham Union Hospital

Make My Vote Plan

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We are the registered nurses of Framingham Union Hospital. We have formed a union and are voting to join the Massachusetts Nurses Association to ensure we can:
  • Provide quality safe patient care.
  • Promote a safe and healthy working environment.
  • Revive and preserve a sense of pride, morale and respect in our community hospital.
  • Feel valued, and treated with respect as a profession and satisfaction in our work.
Framingham RN mission statement with signatures On September 6, a group of nurses from different units, supported by and representing their colleagues, met for a strategy and planning session. Together we made a decision to file for our election on Tuesday September 12, 2023. We came up with a campaign plan to win on election day. Every nurse at Framingham Union can contribute to growing our union, winning our election, and getting a strong contract that centers safe patient care and respect for nurses.


Framingham Union Nurses File for NLRB Election to Join MNA

Press Conference, Sept. 12, 2023

Full Remarks:

Nurses at Framingham hospital are pushing to unionize. Why they say patients will benefit

Read the article:

Framingham nurses seek to join Massachusetts Nurses Association labor union

Read the article:

Framingham Union Hospital Nurses Move To Unionize

Read the article: Framingham Union Hospital Nurses Move To Unionize | Framingham, MA Patch

Framingham Union is in Critical Condition

Read the piece: Framingham Union is in Critical Condition (

Moving Toward a Union Election

On Sept. 13, 2023, Framingham Union owner Tenet Healthcare gathered Framingham Union Managers together to train them on how to run an anti-union (unionbusting) campaign. The anti-union campaign is designed to confuse, stoke fear, and pit nurses against one another. They underestimate how strong we are when we stand together.
Tenet Healthcare Prioritizes Profits and Executive Pay; We Prioritize Patient Safety and Respect for our Profession

Framingham Union RN Contract Comparison Input

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Framingham Union Nurses Hold Press Conference to Advocate for their Right to Vote for a Union

Budding nurses union claims interference from Framingham hospital. What we know.

Read the article:

Framingham Union Nurses Grow Anxious As Election Delay Continues

Read the article: Framingham Union Nurses Grow Anxious As Election Delay Continues | Framingham, MA Patch

The biggest news of 2023 for seven key Central Mass. industries; Framingham nurses seek to join Massachusetts Nurses Association labor union

Read the article: The biggest news of 2023 for seven key Central Mass. industries | Worcester Business Journal (