(Old) We Stand with St. Vincent Hospital Nurses

We stand with St Vincent's Nurses

St Vincent Nurses on Strike

Nurses are on strike in Worcester for safe staffing for our patients and our community

The registered nurses of St. Vincent’s Hospital in Worcester were forced by a giant for-profit corporation to begin an open-ended strike on March 8 as we advocate for safer staffing and safer patient care conditions during the pandemic and beyond.

We have been trying for more than two years to convince our employer, Dallas-based Tenet Healthcare, to provide desperately needed improvement to staffing and patient care conditions at our hospital, conditions that have only been made worse during the pandemic. In the last year alone, nurses have filed more than 500 official “unsafe staffing” reports where they informed management in real time that patient care conditions jeopardized the safety of their patients. Our nurses report experiencing an increase in patient falls, an increase in patients suffering from preventable bed sores, potentially dangerous delays in patients receiving needed medications and other treatments – all due to lack of appropriate staffing, excessive patient assignments, and cuts to valuable support staff. As a result of these untenable conditions, more than 100 nurses have left the facility, many to UMass Memorial Medical Center in Worcester, which employs many of the staffing practices the nurses are attempting to establish through this negotiation.

Donate / Red Sox Raffle

Keches Law Group is raffling off 2 tickets to a RED SOX game for Monday, June 14 for those that make donations to the St. Vincent Nurses Strike Fund.

The tickets are located in Section F72, Row D, Seats 3 & 4.

To be eligible you must donate a minimum of $25 starting June 7, 2021. (use donation links below).

The deadline for this promotion is 11:00 a.m. on Friday June 11th.  Winner will be notified immediately.

Your donations can help support St. Vincent’s nurses.

Contribute with:  PayPal  |  Venmo

Checks can be made payable to MNA St Vincent Nurses Strike Fund and mailed to:

MNA Nurses Strike Fund

Massachusetts Nurses Association

340 Turnpike St

Canton, MA 02021

Media Coverage

Click here to see the tremendous local, state and national media coverage of the St. Vincent Hospital nurse strike.

For the Press

Media Backgrounder For St. Vincent Nurses Strike Beginning March 8 at 6 a.m.  Download PDF

Letter to St. Vincent Hospital Attorney Requesting Replacement RN Contracts 

Ways to Help

LAWN SIGNS AND BUTTONS – Stop by the Strike HQ at 11 E. Central St. in Worcester and pick up “We Support the St. Vincent Nurses” lawn signs and buttons – take as many as you need for yourself, your organization and family and friends. Wear your buttons wherever you go! (Use the form below to request lawn signs).

ADOPT A DAY ON THE LINE! – Picketing during the strike will take place from 6AM-12AM. Your family, organization or union can help us to maintain a robust picket line by adopting a day on the line. It’s such a kick for the nurses to have folks join them. Please let Sandy Ellis know if you have a group that can adopt-a-day and what day and time. Sandy can be reached at sellis@mnarn.org.

SOCIAL MEDIA – Help boost the nurses’ message by sharing press and MNA posts on your social media:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/massnurses
Twitter: www.twitter.com/massnurses
Instagram: www.instagram.com/massnurses
YouTube: Massachusetts Nurses Association

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR – Help keep the media coverage alive by sending a letter to the editor in support of the nurses’ fight for patient safety and calling on Tenet Corp to get to the table and settle a contract that includes the protections patients and nurses deserve. Click here for guidelines on how to submit a letter to the Worcester Telegram & Gazette.

Get Involved

You can join the St. Vincent nurses in their struggle to provide safer patient care and stay up to date by signing up below.

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Watch St. Vincent Nurses and Supporters

Click here to watch videos of nurses talking about why they are on strike and supporters standing in solidarity for safer patient care conditions.

Messages of Support

Irish Nurses and Midwives Organization Letter of Support

Boston Firefighters Local 718 Letter of Support

MSCA Statement of Solidarity with St. Vincent Nurses | MSCA Union

Physicians, Nurses, Health Professionals and Residents of New England Letter to Tenet Healthcare CEO (PDF)

People’s Party Statement on St. Vincent Nurses Strike

Massachusetts Democratic Socialists of America Statement on the St. Vincent Nurses Strike

Harvard Grad Students Union-UAW Local 5118 Statement of Solidarity

Teamsters Local 170 Letter to St. Vincent CEO

Worcester State University chapter of the Massachusetts State College Association (MSCA Worcester) Solidarity Statement

Massachusetts Chapter of the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism: Solidarity with Saint Vincent Nurses (PDF)


National Union of Healthcare Workers (NUHW) Support Letter